
Intercultural Research Around the Hofstede CWQ3

On September 27th, 2018, a group of 13 international consultants from Europe met at TWIST to exchange their latest research findings, exercises, and their own intercultural experiences and to be reaccredited for the Hofstede CWQ3. They also exchanged and discussed individual experiences and observations in which the cultural background of the protagonists may play a role. Here are a few examples: A partner from the UK notices that the security staff at Heathrow Airport (UK) and Berlin-Tegel Airport (Germany) react differently to the excess weight of his suitcase. An Italian partner, who has recently moved to Greece, describes misunderstandings and arguments with cab drivers in Athens. A German colleague tries in vain to get a binding commitment or information from an Argentinian business partner. The interpretation and tips for all these cases were discussed by four of the cultural experts present in a peer-to-peer consultation based on Hofstede's six cultural dimensions. Incidentally, the official re-accreditation was successful for all 13 Partner Associates. Successful participation authorizes you to use the Hofstede CWQ3 in your work in an intercultural context.

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