Coaching and Change Management
Coaching serves your personal further advancement and professional development. It can be used to enhance your competences and to increase your work satisfaction - in practically every work situation.
2. Coaching Event Sequence
You are invited to reflect on your professional situation during the coaching:
- with the help of a competent, neutral partner
- in a fixed time frame
- with regard to your professional role (qualification and competencies, work area, development opportunities, etc.)
- with reference to your personal action patterns in interactions with your boss, co-workers and colleagues
3. Which Coach suits you?
If you have a Coaching in mind when you contact us, Mrs. Nitsch will be your contact person. We will then jointly explore which specific Coach in our team is able to give you maximum support for your particular situation (e.g. in terms of age, gender, experience and educational background). We place special importance on a good personal fit between Coach and client.
Topographical Coaching
A new process model, inspired by the universal structure from literary and film theory, helps coaches place the client's journey from problem to solution in a topographical map.
Click here for the current publications
Self-reflection Sheets in Coaching
If managers took a little more time in their daily work to reflect on their own behavior, they could more or less coach themselves. A short, practical self-reflection sheet on one's own leadership behavior, which is filled out independently after boss-employee interactions, has proven useful for this purpose (see also curret publications ).
International Team Development and Facilitations
- Conducted for Management in English with built-in conflict analysis from a cross-cultural perspective (2 Trainers/Consultants).
- 2-3 days duration
- Preparation of "Expats" and, if required, their partners for international assignments or alternatively for visitors to the German-speaking countries (consultants and "native speaker" or bi-cultural trainer/consultant).
- minimum 1 day
- Trainer accompanies "Expat" or foreign national at the workplace and gives on-site feedback and behavioural tips (bi-cultural Consultant/Trainer).
- Accompaniment of bi- or multicultural teams in the process of mergers: Trainers or a trainer team observes internationally mixed teams during negotiations and gives feedback at defined times concerning cultural behaviour and their consequences on the negotiations and the work processes in general.
- minimum 1 day
Change Management
- anger, frustration, and grief are soon left behind
- there is a sense of clarity on who will do what and who is the right person to contact
- there is an increase of trust and a grown desire to collectively seize new challenges
How can headquarters standards and values effectively be transferred to the subsidiaries?
How much standardization is reasonable and where is consideration of local interests necessary?
Through years of experience and a strong worldwide network of contractual partners we can offer you support in the rollout of international projects (specifically personnel and organizational development).
Strategic Mission Statement
Who are we, where are we heading? Which values and rules should we follow in order to stay adapted to reality and competitive in the long term without giving away our old strengths and values? Management and staff will jointly develop a viable concept which will be ready to be borne and lived by both sides.

You can find even more on the topic of coaching & change management in our publications
Would you like to learn more about coaching & change management?
Twist Consulting Group
Ihr Spezialist für nationale und internationale Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung
Our Services

Als Partner unserer Asiatischen Kollegen Hofstede CW (Hofstede Culture in the WorkplaceTM) sind wir eine von (nur) zwei Organisationen, die mit Geert Hofstedes Kulturmodell und Produkten kommerziell arbeiten dürfen.
Mit unseren langjährigen Vertragspartnern aus dem Global Resource Team und ITAP International haben wir in den vergangenen zwei Jahrzehnten zahlreiche Projekte weltweit ausgerollt und etliche Erfahrungen gesammelt, die heute unseren Kunden nutzen.
So können wir Sie heute in über 20 Sprachen im In- und Ausland mit psychologisch fundierten Coachings, Trainings, Assessment Center Verfahren und prozessbegleitenden Maßnahmen im Change unterstützen und beraten.